Low back pain continues to be one of the most health complaints that limit people, especially as we age. Research show, that limitation of hip mobility in many cases is a cause of low back pain. It makes perfect sense. The majority of our society sits for the most part of the day and becomes less and less active as we age. It results in tight hip flexors and anterior pelvic tilt posture.
Future more, not only our live style but also our sport activities, like running for example, will tight hip flexors even more. Human body is amazing, smart and will compensate!!! Hips don’t extend? NO PROBLEM, we will extend our BACK! Low back tends to take a load and, as a result, you will experience low back pain sooner or later.
I Don’t want to sound so negative, but I see this happen every day. So , let’s take some actions and work on hips mobility and glutes strength to prevent or ease low back pain. (Watch this video with exercises from my Instagram page)
First, if you already have low back pain, consult your doctor to make sure you don’t have any back injury or serious conditions that causes that.
There are 3 exercises that help to stretch and release the tension in your hips and back.
Hip circles. Laying on your back with knees bend, place your hand on top of both knees and stir your knees around in both directions. Let your legs completely relax and let your arms do all the work. Do at least 10 repetitions and try to relax your leg and hips, focus on slow motion, range of motion and breathing.
Piriformis stretch. Tight piriformis can not only cause low back pain, but it can also be the cause of sciatic pain in the leg. Laying on back place one foot on the knee and bring this knee to the chest. Try to relax and hold the stretch for at least a minute.- Hip flexor stretch. Starting on kneeling lunge position, tuck your tailbone underneath your body and gently transition forward an inch or two. Keep your glutes and core engaged to feel stretch on the front of your hip. Place mat or pillow under the knee to prevent the pain. Hold for 45 sec or minute.
If you are back pain free it doesn’t mean your hips aren’t tight. It is always good to work on hips mobility to prevent back pain. And, of course, motion is lotion! Move more, move in every direction, take breaks every 30 mins to get up and walk, walk more, and walk more outside.